Happy Off-season training for November and December


‘Glad the race season is over!’ - if you’ve been training and racing all year long

‘That’s all?! I can’t wait for the next one!’ - if you just start this sports for a few months and just finish the first IRONMAMN 70.3

With the closing of major races in Asia we are stepping into off season in this sports, or we can call it a post-season. What we gonna do at our training?

Our training on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday are certainly all year long, in the post-season, we’d tune down the intensity, back to technique based, and add some fun elements!

Swimming (Wednesday and Saturday at SYS pool)

We can’t stop swimming, I’d suggest everyone maintain 2 swim a week at least to maintain the endurance and feel of the water. We still have a lot room to refine the stroke technique so will spend more time on it. Don’t be surprised for a few 50ms sprint set namely 4x50m relay on Wednesday session, also a good chance to practice turning and diving for next season.

Cycling (Saturday)

We’ve been spending lot of hours on the road just aim to get the job done. Now it’s time to unwind, enjoy riding around, explore some new route, or just aim for a cup of coffee, it’s a great season for cycling in Hong Kong. You may also consider to upgrade your components for the trade of speed over the word of mouth!

Running (Monday Happy Valley and Sunday Repulse/Shek O)

On Monday, we will do more drills leading the running form, introducing some movement exercises, and of course some running. We will also schedule a few trail run on Sunday, the Twins and Dragon back is calling!

Open Water Swim (Sunday)

We won’t stop open water swimming, because we need to progressively acclimate the water temperature for coming Winter, with our wetsuit of course. We will maintain open water swimming in the Winter to order to build stronger body for next season.

Something ELSE outside of swim bike run!

  • We’ve a fun beach volleyball last Sunday, will also try out beach water polo next 2 Sunday

  • Everything incorporating lateral (side-to-side) movement

  • Stretching and Yoga

  • Manage your wear and tear

Planning the next season

It’s important to layout an annual race plan especially many races start opening registration 6 months ahead. Borrowing from the article on TrainingPeaks Coaching Blog It’s a very good reference and very aligning to our coaching concept, to plan the race based on your timing. So I always suggest 4 - 6 months training towards the A race, with one or two B and C races to ramp up. I also like that 2 weeks of season break for our hard working triathletes to maintain balance and passion to this sports.


“Oh! I have a marathon in February and a IRONMAN 70.3 every month! How should I train for that?”

“Let’s open a channel to your coach!”

Charles HuiTraining